
The purpose for this website is to describe the difference between a Christian's life in the Church and a Christian's life in the world—the difference between life in the spiritual realm and life in the physical realm. These two realities are largely blended together in mainstream churches, so many churchgoers have a skewed perspective about how churches should function. They might assume that churches should be governed the same way human governments and corporations are governed. They might assume that the laws which govern God's people in the local church are the same laws which govern God's people in the world. They might assume that church leaders hold offices and have authority over the members. They might assume that ordination is a scriptural practice. They might assume that churches have been commissioned to do God's work and that churches require money to do that work. The articles in this website show through the scriptures that these and many other commonly held beliefs about life in the local church are false.

Several of the above-mentioned assumptions can only be defended based on English translations of the Bible, so the purpose for this website can only be achieved by correcting those errant English translations, specifically the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, which I use as a default translation for my articles. Pursuant to the purpose of the website, I will necessarily point out various mistranslations of the inspired Greek text relevant to the topics discussed herein. In some cases I defend my criticism of the translators by quoting word definitions directly from Strong's Greek Dictionary, but in other less critical instances, I leave it to you to confirm my corrections through personal study of the Greek text. A concurrent purpose of this website is to use the issues raised in my articles to encourage you to explore the Word of God even more deeply through your own personal study into the biblical languages. I strongly encourage all serious students of the Word to educate themselves in the inspired Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible.

May the articles in this website lead you discover new insights into scripture and help you walk in renewed confidence with God through the inspired texts of the Bible.
